Top 10k strings from a-1 lb engleza corectat.tzx in <root> / casete jeco / Jeco 8 - /

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   2 yrlf`[VQLHD@=9630-+(&$" 
   2 ;"                                ":
   2 ;"                                                                ":
   2 )))))))))))
   2 ))))))))))
   1 scor=scor-2
   1 scor=scor-15
   1 scor=scor-1
   1 scor=scor+5
   1 q$(i)="Spectrum":
   1 p$="lev 3"
   1 p$="lev 2"
   1 muz.2     
   1 muz.1     
   1 c$(cu)=p$(a
   1 ]-pentru urmatoarea litera    [
   1 ]-pentru un nivel superior    [
   1 ]-pentru un nivel inferior    [
   1 ]-pentru tot cuvintul         [
   1 ]-pentru sfirsit.                                       "
   1 ]-pentru alta propozitie      [
   1 ]-pentru alt nivel."
   1 Lb.Engleza>
   1 Lb.Engleza
   1 English   
   1 Asteptati un moment !
   1 Apasati una din tastele (1 2 3).
   1 ;"Tastati cuvintul care lipseste:":
   1 ;"Nivel:";lev
   1 ;"Nivel de cunostinte"'''"1..........incepatori,"''"2..........nivel mediu,"''"3..........avansati."''''
   1 ;"Apasati o tasta pt. a reincepe.":
   1 ;"-> ";c(i)
   1 ;"                                                                                                "
   1 ;"                                                                                                   ":
   1 ;"                                                                                                   "
   1 888:8888888888888888888888888888888:8888888888888888888888888888888:888888888888888888888888888899998888888888888888888888888888999988888888888888888888888888889999<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<888888888888<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<88888888888889999999999999999999888888888888899999999999999999998888888888888999999999999999999988888888888888<<<<<<<<<<<<<8888888888888888888<<<<<<<<<<<<<88888888888888888:::::::::::::::88888888888888888::::::::::::::::::::888888888888::::::::::::::::::::8888888888888<<<<<<<<<<<<<8888888888888888888<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<888888888888<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<888888888888<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<88888888888888888<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<8888888888888888<<888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
   1 ,"You get good marks every week.",1
   1 ,"You are working in the garden.",1
   1 ,"You are the best I have ever    met at concocting stories.",2
   1 ,"Yesterday was Sunday.Dan and    Doris were busy in the kitchen  all morning.Doris was the       'cook' and Dan was her help.",4
   1 ,"Without hesitating a moment, I  turned round and followed them  and we travelled together       nearly a quarter of a mile      without exchanging a word.",5
   1 ,"We open the door.",1
   1 ,"We are learning a poem.",1
   1 ,"Tom wears red shirts at school.",1
   1 ,"Tom is speaking to the teacher.",1
   1 ,"Tom eats breakfast.",1
   1 ,"They work on a farm.",1
   1 ,"They see a film every day.",1
   1 ,"They meet every morning.",1
   1 ,"They are writing an exercise.",1
   1 ,"Then she took two empty         shopping bags,some money and    left home in a hurry.",3
   1 ,"The repairing of old clocks     gives him great pleasure.",2
   1 ,"The man is walking.",1
   1 ,"The little boy is good at       writing essays.",2
   1 ,"The doing of odd jobs is his    only means of earning a living.",2
   1 ,"The day after tomorrow is my    birthday.",2
   1 ,"The children are playing tennis.",1
   1 ,"She writes nice poems.",1
   1 ,"She washes the dishes.",1
   1 ,"She took a bus to get to the    shops quikly.",2
   1 ,"She is looking at the map.",1
   1 ,"She comes home late.",1
   1 ,"Nick sleeps in the bedroom.",1
   1 ,"Never put off till tomorrow     what you can do today.",2
   1 ,"Mother is washing her blouse.",1
   1 ,"Mother cooks the cake.",1
   1 ,"Mary sits down on a chair.",1
   1 ,"Mary is repeating the new words.",1
   1 ,"Look at that wild hare running  across the field.",2
   1 ,"Last Saturday she went shopping,too as she needed a lot of      things for my birthday party.",3
   1 ,"John speaks english.",1
   1 ,"I learn english.",1
   1 ,"I had with some difficulty      crossed a deep rivulet, when I  heard somebody hallo; and       looking back, I saw a troop of  native runing after me, and     calling out to me to turn back.",6
   1 ,"I go to school.",1
   1 ,"He was a man of twenty-eight    when he got the position.",2
   1 ,"He started work in his new      position on the first of        October.",3
   1 ,"First she took a piece of paper and wrote down all the things   she needed.",3
   1 ,"Father watches TV.",1
   1 ,"At noon lunch was ready.Doris   laid the table for lunch and    they sat at table.Mother and    father sat at table,too.Dan was the 'waiter' now.               He asked mother:                  May I take your order,madam?    No,thank you.",8
   1 ,"A year later his father,who had become very ill, came home to   die.",3
   1 ,"A little boy went to sea with   his father, to learn to be a    sailor.",3
   1 ,"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.",2
   1 "We are helping mother.",1
   1 "Tastati numele dv.(max 13 lit.)";q$(l)
   1 "Speaking in the House of        Commons last night,the minister said that something must be     done for the unemployed.",4
   1 "Program pentru invatarea limbii            ENGLEZE"''''
   1 "Many famous men of science have lived and worked on the         Romanian land throughout the    centuries.",4
   1 "Lb.Engleza"
   1 "If the weather is fine,we shall go to the country.",2
   1 "I read a book.",1
   1 "Every man is the architect of   his own fortune.",2
   1 "Every Saturday mother goes      shopping.",2
   1  Clasament 
   1   Se trece la nivelul nr. 3           Apasati o tasta!          
   1   Se trece la nivelul nr. 2           Apasati o tasta!